Do We Need a Soul?

I wrote this article many, many years ago but I thought I would re-post it on my new blog.

We have a soul, so we have been told.  We must believe that we have a soul.  Belief in a soul is only an intermediate step between what we want and what we have.  It is a practice created to assist us along the way.  But, the belief in a soul, like any artificial creation, eventually gets in our way.  This belief becomes a burden.  When we look at why we choose to believe in a soul, we must ask ourselves what we are making important.  What form (our ‘self’) do we worship?  Are we practicing idolatry?

When no form, no idol, not even our soul becomes important to us then we are perfectly free to live life.  When we have nothing to lose, we are free to follow our heart.  We have nothing to fear so why not love.

One of the “Principles of Truth” is that the truth shall set you free.  Therefore, that which does not speak of freedom is not of the truth.  Does our definition of soul trap us or limit our life experience?

When we ask a question, we expose our doubts, our weaknesses, to the world.  Any corrupt and manipulative person could use this to control and manipulate you.  If a person were fearful then they may ‘answer’ you with a concept that creates a controlling fear in you.  Such is the idea of soul.

The idea of a soul does have its value.  It is a relative point or perspective.  For example, one person has a certain size foot and a second person has smaller size foot.  The first person’s shoe is not right for the second person.  The second person’s shoe is not right for the first person.  Yet this does not make the shoes either right or wrong in themselves only as they are relative to the person’s foot.  A third person comes along who has no feet.  Neither the first  nor the second person’s shoe will “fit” since they have not feet.  The question is not relative for the third person has not position.  For the third person there is no right or wrong shoe.  Therefore, truth is relative to the position that is seen from.

Right and wrong, good and evil require a datum, a point of focus, a reference point.  For humanity, the datum is the self or soul.  As long as we are human, we will have the datum of self and soul.  When one awakens and realizes they are infinite, they recognize they are not limited to a self or soul and hence they are free of datum.  Without datum there is no right nor wrong, no good nor evil.  Without self and soul, you are free to love and appreciate all that is.

BUT, (and this is a BIG but) prudence is necessary for survival.  When you get to understand that we are not going to survive this thing called life, we wonder why worry about it.  The worrying destroys the quality of the life experience.  It is the concern for our “self”, our body and soul that creates the fear and erodes the joy and love.

The whole truth is that for a whole life one is aware of both the desire to be prudent and the desire to be free of worry and concern.  Too much of either will be self-destructive.  Too much prudence will erode the inner quality of life.  Too little prudence will destroy the body through which we experience life and without which we would not have the opportunity to enjoy and love life.

What does it mean to have no soul or self?  It means that we no longer think of our “self” or soul as important, which is perfect humility.  It means we no longer concerned with protecting the illusion we call our “self”.  When we have experienced the truth of the absence of permanence or realness of self or soul, then its temporariness becomes insignificant.  We become insignificant.  If we are insignificant and unimportant then we have nothing to lose in life.  We become free to experience all that life has to offer.

Of course, we will also recognize that if our soul or self is insignificant then so is everybody else’s soul and self.  Then, only the quality of the play of life becomes important.  The only real question remaining is, are we enjoying or loving life?  Hence, the fulfillment of the scriptures is to love.

When we no longer have make the self or soul important then we have broadened our mind, we have expanded our awareness, we have gone beyond the body and mind, we have “denied thyself” completely.  Now we can go on to something greater, much greater.  We go on to infinity.  Now there is no end to the true Self, and there was no beginning.  Now you have eternal life, with no beginning or end.

No amount of thinking can release us from this question.  It is only when we come to the breaking point will we willingly let go of the question.  It is in the peace and stillness that comes after letting go that gives us the clarity to perceive the perfect truth that will set us perfectly free.

This creates a dilemma:  How much of all the thinking that comes from philosophies, theologies, doctrines and beliefs is too much and how much is not enough.  The answer, we cannot possible know.  Here is where we get the opportunity to jump with faith.  When we realize that life, soul or self is less important than getting peace from the question, then we will be free.  Then we will let go of the questions.  Then we will be free to enjoy and love what is.

There is no need for a limited concept of soul.  Nor is there a need for limiting ideas of life after death and reincarnation.  The truth shall set you free so that which does not speak of freedom is not of the truth.  If there are aspect of our concept of soul that create limitation in our minds then that aspect is not based on truth or reality.  If we feel trapped in our destiny by our acts or karma then we have based our feelings on untruths.  If we have an expectation based on our belief about soul, life after death or reincarnation, then we have trap ourselves in our belief.

Do we have a belief that something or anything we do here in life will affect what happens to us when we die?  Are we afraid that we might go to hell or reincarnate as something less than desirable because we were a bad little boy or a bad little girl?  If we have these beliefs then we are dealing with an untruth in our concept of soul.

Where did the concept of soul first originate?  We will probably never know absolutely, and it does not really matter who started the idea, but we can imagine how somebody might of come up with the question that soul became the answer or solution to.  We all have asked ourselves at one time what is to become of us when we die.  It is this question, and the doubt that it produces, that motivates a person to seek to know their destiny.  With this question, one has to create a language for answering it.  The word soul is part of that language.

Yet, if people were to seek to understand themselves, this would force to ask them where this question came from.  What was the motive for asking this question in the first place?  Eventually in our exploration of ourselves, we will discover that what we really want is not answers but peace from the question.  This does not take away from the natural desire to understand and communicate that understanding.  It is the sense of needing an answer, the neediness, being negative, that motivates us to seek release.

So let us imagine that the word soul was created as a way of sharing our understanding of reality.  It is difficult for a person to imagine his or her own nonexistence, for if we did not exist we would not have a reference point for our perspective.  How could a person imagine the future if their being did not exist in some form or another?  How could a person conceptualize the future beyond death if they did not exist?  Such thoughts are seemingly impossible to comprehend.  Therefore, from this perspective of difficulty in comprehension we wish to create an easier way of perceiving the future beyond.  We wish to create an easier way dealing with our discomfort with these difficult and seemingly impossible thoughts.  So, we create the concept of soul.  We create the idea that we are an entity, a being, which would exist beyond the existence of our body, a being that did not end with body’s destruction or death.

Once we know where we came from, we will know where we are going.  Where were you before you were born?  If you believe in reincarnation then I ask you where were you before the universe was created?   What was it like to be there?  What was your experience before you had the reference point of the human experience?  Again, seemingly impossible questions; impossible maybe to answer given our limitation of language, but not impossible to understand.  When you stand at the beginning you shall not taste death.


Dad Punishes Daughter By Shooting Computer

Dad Shooting Laptop

This guy is One Sick Parent, and the sooner his daughter gets away from him the better. Talking about disrespect as he sits there smoking a cigarette, how stupid, for he is DEMONSTRATING that he does not feel he is worthy of respect by his KILLING himself with his smoking. Then he goes and does VIOLENCE to a computer to show respect? How stupid and sick can a person be.

If he really loved his daughter he would talk to her about he ‘problems’ with him and work it out, he would not be violent. He could talk about the economics of reality, that he is paying for her shelter and food and that he could stop buying his daughter any ‘special’ items, like new clothes, computers or phones, etc. but doing violence to anything, using a GUN to make his point to his daughter? Really? This guy is sick and those who support him are sick.

Would Jesus have done this? Hell, no, but this is what is taught in the ‘bible belt’.

Why Meditate

I have found that the Hindu tradition provides a very good foundation in the skills of stillness which this article addresses. Buddhism takes Hinduism another step and adds compassion as an element toward recognizing our oneness in this journey. Jesus went even further toward this oneness with the ideas of love but he did not emphasis the value of stillness or what he called “watching” enough to his followers and hence they do not promote this most important FIRST step in the process. I find that no western traditions promote this basic skill enough, although they do talk about it.

The Perfect Dharma would be melding of the eastern and western traditions would be a melding of the skills of watching (peace of the eastern traditions) with the power and passion of the western tradition.

I am God

I love life and all that it has to offer.  Nothing is impossible to me.  I love judgment and criticism.  I love to judge and be judged.  Judgment cannot hurt me it can only awaken me should I fall asleep.  I love to push buttons and I love to have people try to push my buttons.  If I react with less than love then I am asleep and it is only an opportunity to wake up, or, I can choose to stay asleep. 

The worldly will tell me I am not God.  I only smile, for their darkness has no power over me.  I have overcome the world and its ability to darken my light.  And I love the worldly as they try to bring their darkness upon.    I can choose to stay in the darkness and sleep or I can wake up to the light. If I submit to darkness it only means it is time for me to sleep.

Does God sleep?  God does EVERYTHING for everything is God.  God is in everything and everything is in God.  There is only one, separation is only an illusion.

Does God change?  God changes and does not change.  God is inclusive of change and is outside of change. 

Why be God?  God is love and God loves.  Who does not want to love all that life has to offer?  Who does not want to enjoy all that life has to offer?  Yes, there are those who are too afraid to love all, so their fear will dictate to them that they do not want to be God, to be love and to love.  They are just those who are still in the darkness and asleep.  As the light starts to shine on them they will start to awaken and want to be awakened.  As those of us who have awaken to who we really are start to shine our light then those in the darkness, those who are asleep will start to yearn for the more light and to be the light. 

We can all be the light of the world.  We can all be God.  To the awakened there are no limits, all is possible. 

Jesus the Abuser

Jesus was a massive abuser and he was rightfully put to death for these sins, at least according to the people of his day.

In the culture of Jesus’ time, Judaic law had 613 documented “sins” from their scriptures.  One of those sins was called “Ona’as Devarim,” which is Hebrew meaning “words that hurt.”  It simply states that if you say something and anyone takes offense at it, it is YOUR sin.  It further states, “If your words hurt lots of people then this is a capital crime and you should be put to death.”

This wonderful ‘law’ came from Leviticus that has given us other wonderful gems of wisdom, such as we should kill people who work on Saturdays; we should kill people who are homosexuals; we should kill those who pray to a different God; we should kill people who blaspheme God,  among many others.

Jesus’ words ‘hurt’ many people, for many people took great offense at his words.  Jesus hurt people when he blasphemed God by calling himself one with God, for people took great offense at that.  Jesus hurt the scribes and Pharisees when he called them names, like hypocrite and blind guides.  Jesus abused people by advocating doctrines that were not approved by the ruling classes causing people to turn away from “sound doctrine” and be punished by the hierarchy of authority.

Jesus was rightfully put to death for his offensive behavior.

And, please, let us ignore the fact that theme of Jesus’ teachings, which pathetically made in the Sermon on the Mound, was the value of blessedness.  One of the beatitudes that Jesus talked about said “Blessed be those who do not take offense at me,” which puts the onus of responsibility back on the person who CHOOSES to take offense at Jesus or anyone else.  Let us forget this for it was not the doctrine of the day and Jesus, trying to show a more peaceful and blessed way, was only offending people by preaching something outside the accepted doctrine or the boxes in their mind, which only future upset them.

The true and “sound doctrine” was that people were to be ‘slaves and good servants to their masters’, to quote a famous law book that is worshipped even today.

YES, Jesus was a massive abuser and he was rightfully put to death for his hideous crimes.  And let all remember that if they are to emulate Jesus’ way, truth and life in any way that they too will be punished harshly.  Let us remind one another of that by caring around figures of Jesus being crucified on chains around our neck and by putting them in our sacred building.  Let us remind one another that your words DO hurt people and that you too will be harshly punished if you say anything that is outside of accepted and proper speech.

We would not want to upset the paradigm of those who take advantage of our innocence and ignorance and subtly stimulate our self abusive behavior so that they can intimidate, control and manipulate us to their own bidding.  Let us curse those who attempt to show us a way out of this subtle abuse, for they only want to disrupt the status quo, to change that which we can all see is working so perfectly well.

Yes, Jesus was an abuser and a petty tyrant who was rightfully tortured and put to death for his brutal sins.

If you are gullible enough to believe this then you deserve the hell you are creating for yourself.


Oneness and Separation

In the beginning was the idea that there was separation within the Unified Field of Consciousness. Before the idea of separation came into being there was no beginning and no end, there just was Consciousness. But without the illusion of separation there could be no drama to enjoy and love, and there could be no joy and love, so imagination happened and “we” came into being and that “we” existed as separate beings just so we can have the drama of life.

Some of us have forgotten that there is no “we”, there is only “I”, as in I am that I am. Without awareness of the non-duality reality we imagine that our dramas are real and that creates needless suffering and misery. So the part of ‘we’ that is awake has always tried to tell the part of ‘we’ that is not awake to be aware of the “I AM” that is One and All. To do that sometimes we would say, “Know God” and other times we would just say ‘wake up’, but always it was just part of the ‘we’ telling the other part of ‘we’ that all is ok, all is perfect just as it is.

And part of the beautiful and perfect drama is our attempt to wake each other up. It is part of the love that we came for, loving and caring enough to make the effort to try and wake each other up.

Thank God for the delusion separation, for without it there cannot be love.

Modern Scriptures

We have re-written the scriptures to show the modern understanding beyond gender and many of the other limitations of ancient people.  If you go into any bookstore today rarely will you see a modern spiritual book with these biases.  YOU just do not see them as scriptures yet.  Wait a few hundred years and that might change.

Nothing changes over night except our minds.  Quit thinking of those ancient books as holy texts and “poof” they are gone.  Change your ways of thinking about the recent “holy texts” and “poof” they are rewritten to show the non-biased perspective.

You have all the power.  Change starts with you and moves outwards.

Religion & Believing

The value of religion is to keep the gullible masses in check. Unfortunately the apposing forces of domination, the trouble makers like Jesus or myself have not been doing our job in stimulating the masses to question the authority of the religions or wake them up from their unconscious gullibility.

Religions are not like educational systems that have a program in which if you follow it you will eventually graduate from the system. Instead religions want to keep you bond to them indefinitely: perpetual bondage.

As there are some dogs that seem too stupid to understand the dangers of life in a city where there are cars on the road, there are people who are too stupid to understand the dangers of life in a world where there are unscrupulous people who will injury or harm them. Many of those unscrupulous people work in churches and states, religion and government, but they are not always as unscrupulous as some other people who could do greater harm.

BUT, this is how nature works to get rid of stupid people and stupid creatures; it allows them to get run over by cars. Hence, because of religions and governments we have a world over populated by stupid people who are destroying their own planet.

Why People Believe

People choose to believe something because they do not have actual knowledge of something but the THOUGHT of that something is emotionally attractive. They want that which they believe to be true.

For instance, they believe that an airplane they are about to fly on is going to function appropriately and that they pilot is competent. They don’t know this to be a fact but want it to be true. The belief calms their mind somewhat.

The same thing happens in religious beliefs. A religious believer have some beliefs that are creating discomfort for them so they choose other beliefs to give them comfort from the first set of belief.

If they would just question their original assumptions till they can see that those are not real then they would have no need to lie to themselves about the other beliefs.

The Value of Sloth & Apathy

When I think of sloth I am reminded of something that Jesus said, “Come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy burdened and I shall give you rest” (Matt 11:29). Then I think about the “Protestant Work Ethic and how Protestant Christianity teaches people to work harder and be slaves who are “good servants to their masters” (Paul’s language). Christians are taught to believe, obey and submit to the ruling classes. Yet this is NOT what Jesus taught or did…it was NOT Jesus’ way or truth.
Sloth is called one of the Seven Deadly Sins and is defined at disinclination toward work or effort. I don’t remember any stories of Jesus or Siddhartha (Buddha) working really hard.

If you were an owner of slaves would you want somebody like Jesus to hang around your slaves or would you rather have somebody like Paul who would teach them to be good servants to their masters? It does not take a genius to see that Paul and his minions (Christians) would be more valuable to the slave owners than Jesus and other Christs.

Apathy is defined as a lack of feeling, emotion, interest or concern. It can also be seen and detachment, being above the world, contentment, equanimity, indifference and peace.
If people want peace then they have to let go of caring, quit storing your treasures here on earth where anything can attack them. This means not caring even out your “self”, your body, mind and/or soul.
This does not mean that you NEVER care or have emotion, feeling, interest or concern, only that when you are tired and need rest that you stop caring while you rest. This is like breathing in and breathing out, both are necessary for you to be healthy, both have their time.

My Contention with Christianity

I like Jesus. I have been and am inspired by Jesus. As a young man when I came to my midlife crisis I was inspired by Jesus to seek a way out of my feelings of being trapped in a meaningless world. I realized I wanted what Jesus had. I did not know what that was at the time, I just knew that I wanted whatever it was that he had had.

I also knew from previous experience that I could not go to Christians for help in this regard. I say this because my experience of Christians and Christianity was perfectly reflected by Gandhi when he said, “I like your Christ but I don’t care for your Christians; for your Christians are so unlike their Christ.

Here is the crux, Christians don’t follow Jesus’ way, truth or life, they follow the apostles, particularly Paul. In the bible Paul admits that when he started out his mission was to turn people away from Jesus’ way and, as he puts it, bring that back to sound doctrine.

I sought to find what Jesus found and found it. I did not follow the Christian way; I pretty much followed Jesus’ way. When I went to share this with the Christians all I got was resistance and rejection. As I looked into why Christians resisted my way (and Jesus’ way) I found several particular points that Christianity teaches AGAINST Jesus’ way.

First, Jesus did not think of himself as a sinner and taught that neither should we (Matt 5:48, “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.”) Being perfect means to be whole and complete, lacking nothing, without flaw. Perfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. If we actually try to do what the bible tells us then we will NOT take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; in other words, we will not think we know what is good and what is evil, what is righteous and what is sinful. Or, to put it as Jesus did, we would be innocent as children to enter the kingdom of heaven. I also feel he was saying the same thing when he said, “Great is the God that reveals the truth unto babes but hides it from the wise and learned one (Mt 11:25).” The learned ones are those who think they know what is righteous and what is sinful.

The one who called himself the Apostle Paul taught that “all have sinned.” Christians who follow Paul’s faithless doctrine think that no one can perfect as Jesus was perfect. This is NOT true. Paul’s statement is obviously false (to me) for if ALL have sinned then that all must include Jesus. Yet most, if not all Christians than confess that Jesus was without sin. Therefore that proves that ALL have not sinned. But because Christians have been taught to treasure scriptures as inerrant they get trapped in a bind when shown that this is not true, so they cannot talk about it further.

Jesus started his ministry by telling people to “repent” or completely change their ways of thinking. It is in our ways of thinking that effects the quality of our life experience. If we think like Jesus thought and how he suggested we think than we can experience that Kingdom of Heaven that is AT HAND, here, now, today.

I will try to point out more examples of the differences between Jesus’ way and the apostles way (Christian way) in the future.