Do We Really Want to Get Along?

Do we all want to get along? Getting along means not confronting the status quo. Getting along means the ruling classes maintain their domination of the masses. But maybe the masses benefit from having the ruling classes dominate them. Some people still need and want to be dominated by the ruling classes. And SOME people […]

Dealing with Extremism

Somebody just pointed out that OUR problem is not being Left or Right, it is EXTREMISM of being either the Left or Right. Boulder is more Left and has more extremist lefties and Colorado Springs is more Right and has more extremist right-wingers. So my question is/was how can we personally, locally, engage extremism in […]

Why Don’t I “Just Do It?”

Why don’t I just post things on social media?  Something, anything?  I have a blog that I have not posted to in months if not years.  I have accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and I just don’t post things.   Could it be because I am lazy? Could it be because I am fearful? […]

Ben Vizy’s Podcast ‘Free Association’ with me

I met this guy, Ben Vizy, at a Community Cycles gathering and after talking with me for a few minutes he asked me to come to do a podcast with him.  Since I thoroughly enough talking to people about deep topics I accepted and here is the podcast that resulted. Ben Vizy’s Podcast with Jim […]

Mindful Relating

Last night I went to the Trident Philosophy Group where the topic of discussion was about “What is Love?” We had a great discussion and I had forgotten what it was like to be around people who have the capacity to talk about things that might be deep or challenging. Most of the groups I […]


Why does rejection hurt so much?  Why do people reject one another? Yesterday I had someone I wanted to stay connected with unfriend me on Facebook and it was painful.  Intellectually I recognize that this person did this to protect himself; he was afraid of how he might react to what I might say to him.  […]

Being Terrorized is a Choice

Being terrorized is a choice, a choice that in today’s world we all have everyday. Personally I enjoy the drama of terrorism.  I see and hear what other people see and hear but I CHOOSE to react to it differently; I choose to react to it in a way that works for me, that is […]

Is There a Downside to Cuddling?

I often go to T-Group, a weekly sensitivity or authentic relating practice group.  The idea behind T-Group is to talk about your feelings and in so doing you become aware of your deeper desires or motivation behind our actions, then share that with others in the group.  With awareness of our inner experience we gain […]

Healthy Boundaries

The human being is a limited being, it has boundaries. It cannot go indefinitely without rest, water, food, shelter and the like. There are also many boundaries that we must have in order to have any quality of life. Sometimes our relationships with others challenge these boundaries and that can be good, for it helps […]

Dealing With Tragedies

After each mass killing either here or abroad we hear a lot of people talking about how this could have been adverted, how we could have prevented this type of tragedies. Or they start to ask questions on what we can do to prevent these types of tragedies. What people completely fail to look at […]