Demonstrating Love

If you care about someone we want them to be healthy and happy.  Yet, as it has been said, we are our own worst enemy.  So for the most part, each of us is the one who is creating our own unhealthy life and making ourselves unhappy.  The person who loves us will engage our […]

Mindful Relating

Last night I went to the Trident Philosophy Group where the topic of discussion was about “What is Love?” We had a great discussion and I had forgotten what it was like to be around people who have the capacity to talk about things that might be deep or challenging. Most of the groups I […]


Why does rejection hurt so much?  Why do people reject one another? Yesterday I had someone I wanted to stay connected with unfriend me on Facebook and it was painful.  Intellectually I recognize that this person did this to protect himself; he was afraid of how he might react to what I might say to him.  […]

Philosophies and Theologies are Just Words

Philosophies and Theologies are just words designed to program humans to have certain general physiological responses to words so that the humans can be control or manipulated. Philosophy relies on a person’s conditioned responses to various words designed to stimulate general physiological responses in the human instrument.  It is a primitive method of gaining control […]

Dancing With Words: The Beginning

Speaking before an audience is difficult.  Speaking before a potentially hostile audience is even more challenging.  Speaking your truth that you know will turn an audience hostile is probably the hardest thing a person can do.  Learning to be ok with people’s hostility and outright anger at your truth is both a science and an […]

CNN Encourages Emotional Abuse

The CNN article “Should we celebrate Fred Phelps’ death?” shows a good example of someone who is pointing out to Americans just how programmed they are. “(CNN) – He was a preacher best known for his virulent anti-gay rhetoric, the force behind placards that read “God Hates Fags.” He taught that natural disasters and man-made horrors like […]

Why Stupid Peope Protect the ‘Honor’ of People Who Choose to be Offended by Team Names

Why Republicans Protect the ‘Honor’ of Offensive Team Names | The Nation. This article states, “The name of Washington DC’s football team, the Redskins, is under fire. “Redskins” is an offensive term and therefore inappropriate for the team representing our nation’s capital. That’s kind of obvious, right?” NO!  The word “Redskins” is NOT offensive.  No […]

Spiritual Testing & Report Card

After reading this article on Huffington Post titled The Ten Spiritual Transmitted Disease I started to wonder how one can get a spiritual check up. I wish there were a way to test myself (or others) for their spiritual growth or evolution.  When I heard of the ‘stress testing’ that the banks had to go […]

Taking Back the Power of Words to Hurt

I saw an interview today on CNN’s website where Marc Lamont Hill were saying that we should allow a discussion of the “N-word”.  I find that attitude one of the most open minded I have heard in a long time.  Let me explain why. I have realized that words do not hurt people; it is people’s […]

What is Love? How to Love?

On a search of Google adwords I find that those two topics each get 185 MILLION searches a month. I realized yesterday that those two questions are what I started looking for answers to thirty years ago.  I realize now that I have found the answer to those question, found it to perfections, and so […]