Dealing with Extremism

Somebody just pointed out that OUR problem is not being Left or Right, it is EXTREMISM of being either the Left or Right. Boulder is more Left and has more extremist lefties and Colorado Springs is more Right and has more extremist right-wingers. So my question is/was how can we personally, locally, engage extremism in […]

Being Tolerated

I guess I have come to accept that not only will I never be appreciated in life, but that I will probably never be TOLERATED by anyone.  This is sad to me but understandable. The book I am writing, Mindful Listening, is designed to address this challenge that people have with other people, particularly people […]

Dancing With Words: The Beginning

Speaking before an audience is difficult.  Speaking before a potentially hostile audience is even more challenging.  Speaking your truth that you know will turn an audience hostile is probably the hardest thing a person can do.  Learning to be ok with people’s hostility and outright anger at your truth is both a science and an […]

Spiritual Testing & Report Card

After reading this article on Huffington Post titled The Ten Spiritual Transmitted Disease I started to wonder how one can get a spiritual check up. I wish there were a way to test myself (or others) for their spiritual growth or evolution.  When I heard of the ‘stress testing’ that the banks had to go […]

Unholy Beliefs

I am sure that many people have discovered that their beliefs and other ways of thinking are causing most if not all their problems.  Yet do we know which beliefs we have that we do not even realize we are being limited by? I started out this post wanting to write about other people’s belief […]

Loving Bullies

I love bullies, and that is why bullies have no power over me. Bullies are people who have learned how to bully by being bullied; they are hurting too.  What they seem to want is for others to hurt as much as they are hurting, or to show them how to stop hurting. A bully […]

Dealing with Rejection

Most people experience reject all the time in their lives.  The more we stick our neck out and reach out to others the more rejection we will experience. People reject me all the time, and as always, it hurts, for I can feel the fear that motivates any rejection.  We only reject others because we […]


I want to thank those who have been so generous with their feedback, criticism, judgment and even persecutions of me.  These greatest of all possible gifts are been very good for me.  I recognize that no feedback, criticism, judgment or persecution can harm me, only my reactions can do me harm.  However, they can point […]

Judge Me, Please!

I want to improve myself and my ability to help people be healthier and happier. Your comments and criticism are appreciated, either here or at YouTube. I want to hear people’s criticism and judgments.I recognize that they cannot hurt me, only MY REACTIONS to words and thoughts can cause me harm.I have overcome my unhealthy […]