The human being is a limited being, it has boundaries. It cannot go indefinitely without rest, water, food, shelter and the like. There are also many boundaries that we must have in order to have any quality of life. Sometimes our relationships with others challenge these boundaries and that can be good, for it helps […]
Dad Punishes Daughter By Shooting Computer
This guy is One Sick Parent, and the sooner his daughter gets away from him the better. Talking about disrespect as he sits there smoking a cigarette, how stupid, for he is DEMONSTRATING that he does not feel he is worthy of respect by his KILLING himself with his smoking. Then he goes and does […]
Unnecessary Suffering
I am sad to see people abusing themselves emotionally just over something someone said to them. It is a sad world that programs us to abuse ourselves just so others can control and manipulate us. I am glad I took the time and effort to overcome the world’s ability to stimulate my self-abusive behavior. I […]
Educating the Heart
The author is Melvin McLeod. This article was NOT WRITTEN by the Dali Lama, but ABOUT him and his talks. I find that in this type of situation the writer sometimes does not convey the true mean or intent of the speaker. Nor do many writers understand the words used and their INTENT, which is important.) […]