Dealing with Rejection

Most people experience reject all the time in their lives.  The more we stick our neck out and reach out to others the more rejection we will experience. People reject me all the time, and as always, it hurts, for I can feel the fear that motivates any rejection.  We only reject others because we […]

Dangerous Pixels

Are people so stupid as to think that pixels on their computer screen can hurt them?  Really?  Do people really want to give their power and peace away to anyone who comes along and says something to them?  Really? Pixels are defined as “A minute area of illumination on a display screen, one of many […]


I want to thank those who have been so generous with their feedback, criticism, judgment and even persecutions of me.  These greatest of all possible gifts are been very good for me.  I recognize that no feedback, criticism, judgment or persecution can harm me, only my reactions can do me harm.  However, they can point […]