Stopping the Spin

When emotional drama becomes too much and you feel you are traumatizing yourself (injuring yourself), stop the spin of the drama by getting back to a place of stillness and the clarity that it brings. When you are uptight or tense it is difficult to find clarity and peace of mind. The following steps or […]

Jesus vs. the Christians

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”Christians not only are not like Jesus they seem to oppose Jesus’ way and truth. Every time I talk to a Christian I come away amazed just how much they seem to fear Jesus’ way […]

Season of the White Crow

Rob Brezney writes in his astrology column ( for Sagittarius last week: “If you want to upset the law that all crows are black,” wrote William James, “you mustn’t show that no crows are, it is enough if you prove one single crow to be white.”  Philosopher Jonathan Zap applies this idea to his ruminations […]

Spiritual Issues in the Immigration Debate

What are our moral obligations to illegal immigrants_and to the laws of the U.S.?   From an article by Rabbi Marc Gellman, For me, the ‘obligations’ to obey the government is not as strong as the obligation to obey the God that lives within my heart. I see the “problem’ of immigration not as a problem […]

Beyond the Democrat Party of the Bible Belt

“No great improvements in the lot of mankind are possible until a great change takes place in the fundamental constitution of their modes of thought.” JOHN STUART MILL (English philosopher), Autobiography, 1873 No great change is going to happen in our political reality until people start to think beyond their current fundamental constitutions or modes […]

9/11 was good for Humanity

I wonder if people can see the good that came out of the events of 9/11/2001. I look back and the stories of how FDR set up American to be attacked at Pearl Harbor just to get Americans out their isolationistic and narrow-minded ideology. In the 1930’s America was suffering from and still coming out […]

Truth & Righteousness

I would like to bring up the topics of righteousness and truth, which seem to be of great concern to conservatives. I will start with truth. Truth is defined as sincerity in action, character and utterance; the state of being the case, fact. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia has a definition of truth as coming […]

How Open is Your Mind

I often hear people say that they are an open minded person (at least my liberal friends say that) but I wonder just HOW open minded they really are. When a mind is open would it not be expanded to thinking outside the boxes of conventional thought? What thoughts does everybody else have that you […]

Moral Courage

I want to articulate a new angle on the biblical depravity and extend that all Jews, Christians and Muslims who embrace the bible as their moral manual are moral cowards for they do not have the courage to question the moral depravity and outright sickness of the writers of the bible.   I challenge the […]

Interesting thought

Interesting thought for the day: If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000. The rate in Washington D.C. (among other cities) is 80.6 per […]