
At the request of some people, I spent the summer of 2004 writing about my spiritual or awakening journey.  The result was a long (over 400 pages) online book titled, “My Story“.

About Jim Freedom

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The rest of these are articles I wrote many years ago also.

Our Veils . Our veils, our fears, our bodies, our minds; without them we would not be.
Soul. The belief in a soul traps a person is fear.
Wisdom of a Snowflake. A short story of mine.
The Essence. This is the essence of my method of waking myself up and keeping myself awake. I created this to remind myself of what is real.
The Present. Time can trap us. The past is but a memory and the future is but a dream.
I am Just Tension. What I realized in my enlightenment.
Loneliness. We need not see loneliness as negative. It can be gift. Understanding helps.
Stopping the Spin. When life gets us down, when we can not see the forest for the trees, when everything looks ugly then I have found that this helps to get back to a positive life experience.
Why Seek God. There is value in seeking this primitive concept called “God.”
Mystery. A poem I wrote.
Forgiveness. A challenge to forgive.
I Have Found…. Some insights I consider important. If I were to reincarnate this is what I would want to share with myself.
Loving Yourself. You cannot love another until you can love yourself.
Perfection. Life can be perfect, if you are open to it.
Overcoming Fear. You can overcome any and all fears.
Word Don’t Hurt. Words cannot hurt us, only our reactions to words can harm us.


(These are unedit versions of my journals.)

2 thoughts on “Links

  1. James

    Just came to this site from watching one of your tiktok videos. It would be cool if your merch’ was linked on this site as well. Good content. Keep up the great work in your journey of becoming a well adjusted, healthy human being. We should all strive to pursue the same goals you’ve set for yourself.

    • Jim

      That is interesting that you have seen my videos on TikTok given that I don’t have a TikTok account.

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