End of Last Year Astrology Insight

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)

When you were a little kid, struggling to pedal your bicycle up to the top of a big hill wasn't ever that much fun -- but coasting your way down the other side at a breakneck speed was positively thrilling. It's all about putting in the effort required to get the most fun possible today. So if you feel you are struggling or putting in more than your fair share of work, just keep in mind the wonderful reward that is waiting for you on the other side.


Monday, January 07, 2008 8:10 AM

Fear is a product of a belief in something completely imaginary.  Anybody who cares enough about themselves will seek the truth that will set them free of their fears, free to enjoy and love all that life offers.

I am looking for people who are enough about themselves and their world to seek.

Friday, January 11, 2008 3:13 PM

What is Enlightenment?

When on is no longer focused in on the phenomena of the personal self they become aware of other, more subtle phenomena.  At this time they become aware of the energy that is coming off of other living beings until that experience is indistinguishable from the energy within their own body.   That is why it is said that ‘we are one’ by all great teachers, for we can and do experience each other’s experiences.

What is the physical view of enlightenment?  What is actually happening in the body with our reactions to life’s experiences.

What does it mean for an enlightened community or humanity?

The “authentic self” happens when a person has the courage to be honest.

Morality is a product of our mostly unconscious sensitivity and awareness were we FEEL our connection to one another and to all life.  We can feel their pain and suffering.  This is possible because of the electro-magnetic energy that all biological beings send off from their bodies and especially their nerves.  We ‘tune in’ to these energy waves and that is how and why we feel what others feel.

Punishment is an attempt to get people back into the mode of feeling something, to get them out of their heads and into their bodies were they feel their connection to others.


Sunday, May 25, 2008 8:07 PM

Pissing People Off

I love to piss people off, to upset them, to upset their slumber, to wake them up.  I can only upset those who are asleep. 

I cannot upset those who are awake for they realize that nothing anybody says can hurt them.  They realize that it is only their reactions to the words that can cause them harm.  So the awakened people choose not to take offense at anything anybody says.  Awakened people realize that what they want is to appreciate, enjoy and love all that life has to offer so this is what they choose, to appreciate, enjoy and love what I say (or what anybody says.) 

I cannot upset those who are dead, for the do not react to anything.  Dead people feel nothing, they don’t care about anything. The walking dead, those whose bodies are still moving but whose brain and heart are not, don’t listen and don’t care what anybody is saying.

So it is only those who are asleep that are upset by what I say.  Asleep people think that words are important, that words can hurt people.  Asleep people think that they are important, that humanity is important and that this planet is important.  They cannot see how totally insignificant the puny little speck of dust in the universe, that we all Earth, really is.  They cannot see how all that is will someday pass away with no trace that it ever was.  They are only focused on their little self important world thinking about how important they are that they need to focus so much energy on themselves and their dreams, the goals, their wishes, the family, their country, their religion, the race, their species, their planet.

By speaking I am offering them an opportunity to wake up and I remind them that what they want is to appreciate, enjoy and love all that life has to offer.  I am reminding them that nothing really matters here on earth except that we enjoy the experience. 

When I wake people up I don’t want to be one of those loud alarm clocks that violently upsets their slumber.  I want to be one of those new electronic watch alarms that only quietly beeps at them until they come consciousness. 

People who react to what I have to say do so because they want to wake up.  They may not realize that they have a choice but subconsciously they know that they do not have to react.  I am just reminding them of their freedom that they always had but that they have forgotten.  They are choosing to upset their own slumber by choosing to react to my beeping, my words.

For me, it is good practice to not take offense at their rejection, their anger and the inevitable words of criticism and judgment.  I will be criticized, I will be judged and I will be rejected.  That is only natural from those who are waking up.  There will be some who appreciate me and recognize that I am on everybody’s side.  Most will ignore me as only the dead can do and it is my practice to not be offended by that ignorance.  It is not their time yet to wake up. 


Friday, June 06, 2008 3:08 PM

Anger is a product of fear and fear is a product of narrowing our awareness (making something important).  In order for life to continue we have to narrow our awareness and make something important, but we do not have to HOLD that narrowed awareness.  It is in the holding that creates the sense of being trapped and the causes the pain that comes from anger.  The passion that anger offers can be healthy and can even be fun, but if we hold it we create ‘dis-ease’ that can and probably will cause death.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 3:09 PM

Title: Compassionate Communication.  My version of Marshall Rosenberg’s Non Violent Communication only from the spiritual perspective as apposed to his political perspective.  I will talk about looking at our own reactions to what life is offering and speaking the truth regardless of what people’s reactions are and thus waking people up to how they have been programmed to react to word.   Compassionate means to suffer with them, not just an intellectual understanding of what they are experiencing but hurting with them and feeling the intensity of their pain.

Friday, July 11, 2008 10:33 AM

Vague Words:  in spirituality there are many words that are relatively vague, nebulous or whose meaning is not very clear.   The more nebulous or undefined they are the more value they seem to have for us.  The more we try to define them the less value they have for us or the more destructive they come to our well being.

This fact I see as reflected in the Second of the Ten Commandments which says that we should have no ‘idol’ or images before God.  And ‘idol’ is any form for God or that which we seek.  Whenever we try to define God or create a form of any sort related to God you have lost its value.

These are only concepts we use in our brains to create a physiological reaction in our body.  The larger the concept the less defined it is the less we are able to think discursively about it and hence the less energy that we will be running through the neurons of our brain.  When the neurons of our brain are not running energy through them they tend to relax which in turn relaxes the whole body.  The relaxedness is without ‘dis-ease’ and an enlightened state of consciousness.  When we think things about something we create more tension and heaver or darker sense in our body which produces a sense of being contracted and trapped.

So the vague, nebulous of undefined words or concepts actually have a spiritual, physical and health benefit to them.  These terms release us.

In the western traditions they talk about the mystery of God.  There is the classic Christian mystical book “The Cloud of Unknowing” which talks about being innocent like a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  This innocence does not allow one to focus in on anything and make it important which releases them from a sense of stuckness.  As Jesus said, “Great is the God that reveals the truth unto babes by hides if from the wise and learned ones.” (Matt 11:25)  All of these imply that not knowing releases us to appreciate, enjoy and love what life is offering (heaven). 

The first thing the bible tells you NOT to do is do not take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:17).   As soon as on does take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they create a tension and sense of separation in themselves.

This is why we created these nebulous concepts like God, Spirit and the like.


Importance Questions:  Are not some things important?  Don’t some things matter?

The answer to that depends on what you are looking for.  If you are looking for the drama that comes with making things important then by all means you should make things important.  But if you are looking for peace, inner peace, then making anything important is counter productive to what you want.   Is it time for you to be active or time for you to rest.  Only you can specify which time it is.

            You can create the biggest drama that you want if that is what you want.  I am only here to say that when you have had enough of the drama of life and want a rest from it then the way to do that is to expand you consciousness until you can see that nothing is really important.  In so doing you will release you passion and find peace and rest.  When you are rested again and want to get back in to the ‘game’ of life then by all means make something important.

            Dramas allow for rich and satisfying experiences.  I would not encourage anybody to forgo making things important and the drama that comes with that.  I am only saying that if you get caught up in the drama here is how to get out of it.

            If you are not enjoying the drama any more then that is when it is time to let go. 


Thinking.  There is nothing wrong with thinking, but if we get too obsessed with any one area of thought then we start to make it important and we get heavy, dark and trapped in that excessive thought.   When this happens the body gets tired and worn out.  This is the experience of negativity of fear, doubt, guilt, pessimism and the like.  These are all a product of too much thinking, too much of making anything important.


Intro.  I will repeat new ideas or I will say things in many different ways trying to look at the same issue.  I have found that all traditions are basically trying to get us to the same place but they have many ways of saying it.


Identity.  When we identify with any concept, idea, intention or thing we are still creating attachment and there is some form of misery that comes with this.   Even if we identify with consciousness or being or “I am” or Spirit or God or whatever there is attachment there.  The only way to be completely let go is to not have any idea of identity or any thought.


Importance.  It is the stillness that enables us to gain the clarity that enables us to see the truth that sets us free to enjoy and love all that life has offer.  This is our deepest motivation.  But before we can have stillness we will recognize that ‘dis-ease’ comes from making something important.   Making something important is narrowing our awareness down.


Spiritual Evolution.  I measure spiritual evolution by a persons ability appreciate, enjoy and love what life is offering.  It is not measured by the experiences they have had to how still their mind is or how knowledgeable they are about spiritual texts. Stillness is only the half way point for it allows you the freedom to go out and enjoy what life has to offer.


Words:  we all get knocked off by words but to be able to heal it quickly and return back to a place of appreciation, joy and love (loving stillness).  When we can feel grateful towards that which knocked us off our center for showing us where we have a habit of reacting to words is to fully heal our injury.   Gratitude towards those who have ‘offended’ us is a sign of true spiritual skill.   If we do not have an attitude of gratitude then we are still blaming the other for our own behavior and we are perpetuating our own misery and suffering.

Friday, December 19, 2008 11:22 AM

Faith/government/religion:  because of our faithlessness we institute among people institutions of church and state, religion and government to control the behaviors of people.  It comes from the belief that without force and violence humans will naturally run amok, cause chaos and destruction.

These organizations of church and state, religion and government, like any organism want to survive and they inherently know that there existence is totally dependent upon the faithlessness of the people.  So these organizations promote faithlessness.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:47 AM

Intelligent Design

Religion is the worship and cult of personality.  Religions have to create it illusion of a personal deity (Creator/God) to justify slavery here in this world.  If people believe that there is a personal god who is creator and ruler over the universe than that creator can appoint certain people to have dominion over other people.  This is the justification of slavery.